Current Calls
Currently, there are no open calls for project applications.
Please check back later for updates on upcoming opportunities.
Discover Your Role in the EU-PoTaRCh Mission
About STSM
Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) are institutional visits aimed at supporting individual mobility, fostering collaboration between individuals. STSM applicants must be engaged in an official research programme as a PhD Student or postdoctoral fellow or can be employed by, or affiliated to, an institution, organisation or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research. Learn more…
Current Calls
Currently, there are no open calls for project applications.
Please check back later for updates on upcoming opportunities.
Previous Calls
1st Call for STSM
- Application deadline: 19 February, 2024 or until the budget is still available.
- Notification of application outcome: maximum 7 days after application
- Period of STSM: 19-February-2024; 30-September-2024
- Submittal report and financial claim: 30 days from the completion of the STSM at latest 15 October-2024
- coordinator: dr Katja Tikka,;
2nd Call for STSM
- Application deadline: 30 June 2024 or until the budget is still available.
- Notification of application outcome: maximum 30 days after the previously mentioned date.
- Period of STSM: 30-June-2024 to 30-September-2024
- Submittal report and financial claim: 30 days from the completion of the conference at latest
Virtual Mobility
About Virtual Mobility Grants
Virtual Mobility consists of a collaboration in a virtual setting among researchers or innovators within the COST Action, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, etc. Lern more…
Current Calls
Currently, there are no open calls for project applications.
Please check back later for updates on upcoming opportunities.
Previous Calls
Virtual Mobility Grant for WG1 – Management of the EU-PoTaRCh bibliographic database
Expected activities
- Participation in the selection of the technical solution of the database (in collaboration with the management and members of WG1, 3 and 4).
- Implementation of the technical solution for data collection (bibliographic records), checking and sorting of records and their storage in the database.
- Communication with members of WG1, 3 and 4, solving subject and technical problems in the creation of bibliographic records.
- The activities are intended to be carried out entirely on an online, remote basis.
- Keen interest in PoTaRCh, CA22155 membership welcomed.
- Basic IT skills, experience with bibliographic data harvesting and storage desirable.
- Proficiency in academic English.
Relation of VM grant to MoU objectives and deliverables
- objectives RC2, RC3, CB2, CB5, CB6
- deliverables Platform sharing knowledge (WG1), Catalogue database of EU PoTaRCh (WG1 + WG3, WG4)
Technical information
- Grant duration: May to September 2024
- Maximum support to be requested: 1500 €
Deadline of the application: 31st of May
- coordinator: dr Katja Tikka,;
- WG1 leader: Jakob Starlander,
- WG1 co-leader: Jiří Woitsch,
Virtual Mobility Grant for WG2 – Support the implementation of the WG objectives
Expected activities
- To conduct literature research useful to develop protocols an/or write a review for the characterization of the PoTaRch materials.
Technical information
- Grant duration: May to September 2024
- Maximum support to be requested: 1500 €
Deadline of the application: 31st of May
- coordinator: dr Katja Tikka,;
- WG2 leader: Erika Ribechini,
- WG2 co-leader: Rodica Ion,
Virtual Mobility Grant for WG3 – Building a GIS as a base for EU-PoTaRCh-sites in Europe
- The GIS will eventually include geographical information on archaeological sites and place names related to PoTaRCh production. The GIS will eventually enable the working group and the action to identify gaps of research, european patterns of PoTaRCh production as well as form the basis for state-of-the-art papers on distribution and chronologiy of PoTaRCh sites.
Expected activities
- Development of a technical solution of a GIS, in collaboration with the management and members of WG 3, 1, and 4.
- Development of a data collection protocol: published geographical and chronological information on records of archaeological sites.
- Communication with members of WG 3, but also other WG-members, to tackle subject and technical problems.
- The activities are intended to be carried out entirely on an online, remote basis.
- Keen interest in PoTaRCh, CA22155 membership welcomed.
- MS-Excel, MS-Access, and GIS skills, experience with extracting information from published papers desirable.
- Proficiency in academic English.
- Relation of VM grant to MoU objectives and deliverables: Task T3.1 „Compile existing knowledge in databases“
Relation of VM grant to MoU objectives and deliverables
- objectives RC2, RC3, CB2, CB5, CB6
- deliverables Platform sharing knowledge (WG1), Catalogue database of EU PoTaRCh (WG1 + WG3, WG4)
Technical information
- Grant duration: May to September 2024
- Maximum support to be requested: 1500 €
Deadline of the application: 31st of May
- coordinator: dr Katja Tikka,;
- WG3 leader: Oliver Nelle,
- WG3 co-leader: Koen Deforce,
ITC Conference
ITC Conference
ITC conference grant is grant aimed at young researchers and PhD students from ITCs to attend beneficial international conferences that are not organised by COST Actions. Lern more…
Current Calls
Currently, there are no open calls for project applications.
Please check back later for updates on upcoming opportunities.
Previous Calls
1st Call for ITC Conference Grant
- Deadline for applications to be submitted: applications will be evaluated in order of arrival and will be accepted until 30-July-2024
- Notification of application outcome: maximum 15 days after application
- Period accepted for the conference: 19-February-2024; 30-September-2024
- Submittal report and financial claim: 30 days from the completion of the conference at latest
15 October-2024
2nd Call for ITC Conference Grant
- Deadline for ITC grant applications to be submitted: applications will be evaluated in order of arrival and will be accepted until 30-June-2024 or until the budget is still available.
- Notification of application outcome: maximum 30 days after application
- Period accepted for the conference: ending the latest 30-September-2024
- Submittal report and financial claim: 30 days from the completion of the conference at latest 15-October-2024
Dissemination Conference Grant
Dissemination Conference Grant
Dissemination Conference Grants offer financial support to Action participants presenting the results of the project at high-profile conferences not organized by the COST Action. These grants cover travel, accommodation, and meal expenses. The goal is to boost the visibility of the Action within the research community and attract new participants and stakeholders. By supporting presentations aligned with the Action’s objectives, these grants help expand networks and promote the project’s outcomes to relevant end-users and potential collaborators. Lern more…
Current Calls
Currently, there are no open calls for project applications.
Please check back later for updates on upcoming opportunities.
Previous Calls
Missions until the 30th of September 2024
- Application deadline: 30 June 2024 or until the budget is still available.
- 1st Grant Period. The amount of 1500 euros.
- Applications will be evaluated in order of arrival.
- Notification of application outcome: maximum 30 days after previously mentioned date.
- Submittal report and financial claim: 30 days from the completion of the conference at latest 30-September-2024
- For call details and how to apply click here
- coordinator: dr Katja Tikka,;
Training School
Training School
Training Schools are instrumental in helping COST Actions achieve their MoU objectives and deliver impactful outcomes by focusing on two key areas: Capacity Building and Research Coordination. They facilitate the training of researchers and innovators in specialized topics crucial to the Action, thereby transferring know-how and fostering interdisciplinary expertise. Additionally, Training Schools support research coordination by enabling specific results such as data collection, analysis, or methodology training, aligning with the objectives of the COST Action. Lern more…
Current Calls
Currently, there are no open calls for project applications.
Please check back later for updates on upcoming opportunities.
Previous Calls
1st Call – Chemical characterisation of resins, tar and pitch
- Purpose of Training School: The training school includes a program of multi-disciplinary studies within 3 days. The school will be held at Poznan University of Life Sciences and is designed to train graduated students (master’s degree), PhD students, post-docs, and professionals with interests in the chemical characterisation of resins, tar and pitch.
- Aim: The school aims at providing students from different educational backgrounds (graduates in the fields of technical-scientific and humanistic subjects) the detailed information on the instrumentation and an overview of the potentialities of different instrumental approaches to characterise resins, tar and pitch. The school provides practical lessons to transmit knowledge.
- The student will have access to the following instrumentation present at Poznań University of Life Sciences:
- Resistance oven for applied pyrolysis and carbonization processes of lignocellulosic materials
- Gas chromatograph coupled with a mass detector (GC/MS) (Trace 1300 GC ISQ Single
- Quadrupole MS by Thermo-Finnigan)
- Thermobalance LabsysTM TG, TG-DTA, TG-DSC (Setaram)
- FTIR spectrophotometer with ATR Alpha-E module (Brucker with OPUS 7.0 software)
- Students will also visit the Archaeological Museum in Biskupin, which contains rich traces of settlement from the Stone Age to the Early Middle Ages, including the remains of a defensive settlement from the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age. At the Archaeological Museum in Biskupin, as part of experimental archaeology, tar and pitch are obtained using the two-pot method.
Technical information
- Who can apply: Graduated students (Master’s degree), PhD students
- Application: via link
- Selection of candidates: Base on COST inclusiveness policy:
- Geographicalspread
- Involving members from Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITCs) and Young Researchers (YR)
- Genderbalance
Period: 11-13 September 2024
Application Deadline : 15 July 2024
Event venue
- Poznan University of Life Sciences;
Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology Department of Chemical Wood Technology
Wojska Polskiego 38/42;
60625 Poznan;
- Leader of WG2: Erika Ribechini
- Vice Chair CA22155: Jeannette J. Lucejko
- Local Organiser: Magdalena Zborowska